Here's what we did:
Instrumental Prelude: Happy Day (C)
-Christ the Lord is Risen Today (C) - procession of the Christ candle
Welcome / Passing of the Peace ("He is risen ... He is risen indeed!") - Dave
-God Is Alive (B)
-You Have Saved Us (A)
Message: 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 - Dave
Offering / kids hand out jelly beans
-Jesus Messiah (A)
Spirit promo video & series preview - Dave
-Amazing Grace / My Chains Are Gone (F)
Benediction - Scott
"Now may the risen and reigning Christ, who has broken every chain and set you free, shine brightly in your lives and give you strength through His Holy Spirit to live for Him this day. Amen."
Bringing in the lit candle during the first song tied in what we did on Good Friday and illustrated Christ's resurrection in a powerful way.
We decided to give the children a part in the service by having them hand out a jelly bean craft they had made, immediately after the offering was collected. We've found it's always a win for us when we involve the kids in the service. We also purposely began and ended the service with hymns that we new most everyone would be familiar with - which I think was also a plus for all the visitors that were present. Overall, it was a great Sunday.