Monday, August 15, 2011


Powerful services yesterday. Occasionally we will use a video call to worship, like we did this week. We had the band play underneath it (instead of using the pre-recorded audio on the video), and went right into Here For You.

Instrumental Prelude: Hosanna (G)

Call to Worship video: Psalm 95

-Here For You (C)

I love how we were talking about the church in Sardis, and how they had a reputation for being alive, but Jesus said they were DEAD (Revelation 3:1). Brought a freshness to singing, "Let what's dead come to life!"

-One Thing Remains (Bb)

We taught this song yesterday. I set it up by reading Ephesians 3:16-19 and then explaining:
We want to teach you a new song that focuses on the love of Christ for us, and that is rooted in these verses from Ephesians 3. It talks about how strong Christ’s love is for us, how it is constant, and is always with us. No matter how many times we’ve sinned against God, His love is always there to comfort us, strengthen us, and change us."

-Glory To God Forever (Bb)

Welcome / Announcements - Chris
-Speak To Us (C)
Message - Dave - Revelation 3:1-6 [listen here]
-You Alone Can Rescue (B)
Benediction: 2 Corinthians 13:14

Monday, August 8, 2011


Yesterday was Brion Kendzora's last Sunday leading worship at ACC. Brion and his wife Annette are leaving in a few weeks for missionary training school for the next two years to prepare to do missions in a tribal community and share the love of Christ with them. I have been privileged to work with Brion and have him serve in our worship ministry over the past three years. It has been neat to see Brion grow as a worship leader and musician over that time.

Since I wasn't on worship team yesterday, I had the opportunity to sit back and take in the service from a fresh perspective - something I only get to do a handful of times throughout the year.

Instrumental Prelude: Blessed Be Your Name (G)
-Famous One (E)
-Lord Most High (E)
-Your Love Never Fails (F)
Welcome / Announcements - Jamie
-In Christ Alone (D)
Message - Dave - Revelation 2:18-29 - [listen here]
-Center (E)

Friday, August 5, 2011

WEEKEND REVIEW #21 - JULY 31, 2011

This past Sunday we celebrated communion together as a church. My goal was to focus most of the song set on the cross. We also did an acoustic set w/ strings! Cello and viola, to be specific. I am trying to incorporate strings every so often, and am thankful that we have some very talented string players in our church, along with a few gifted arrangers that have helped in writing out the parts.

We had the congregation come forward and serve each other communion, and I feel it worked especially well this time around. People seemed engaged and eager to serve one another. A beautiful picture of the church being the church. During communion, we sang The Wonderful Cross, the powerful Isaac Watts hymn with modern chorus penned by Chris Tomlin & JD Walt.

Instrumental Prelude: Lead Me to the Cross (G)

Welcome / Announcements / Call to Worship - Psalm 108:1-4

-Hosanna / Praise Is Rising (G)
-Because of Your Love (A)
Message: Revelation 2:12-17


-On the Cross (G)

Communion Intro - Dave

-The Wonderful Cross (D) - during communion

Closing Prayer:

"Lord, as we remember your death together through the taking of communion, we also remember your resurrection, which empowers us to live a changed life. As we go from this place, may we live to glorify You. Just as Christ gave His life for us, so we give ourselves to You, to be used as You see fit. We pray it in the strong name of Jesus, Amen."