Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Last week I had the privilege of attending the Gospel Coalition Conference at the Rosemont Convention Center. The Gospel Coalition is a group of pastors and church leaders that hold to the conviction that the gospel of Jesus Christ must stay at the center of life and ministry, and at this conference I had the opportunity to hear messages from many widely-respected pastors. It was a refreshing week, and my heart and mind are full!

Something that Ligon Duncan said in his message on 2 Timothy 4:6-22 really made me think. He said, “People often treat benedictions like the emergency instructions you hear on an airplane. They zone out and think they don’t need to listen because they’ve heard them a million times. But I guarantee you, those passengers on Flight 1549 that landed in the Hudson River were wishing they would’ve listened a little better to those instructions!”

The word benediction comes from the Latin word meaning “to bless.” Benedictions in scripture, such as the one in 2 Timothy 4:22, “The Lord be with your spirit - grace be with you” are not just a formal part of the letter that the author was required to throw in. It’s the same with our benedictions at the close of our services at ACC. They are not just a nice way to end the service. They are meant to send people out with hope by speaking about the truth of who God is. They are designed to equip us for the battles we will face in the week ahead, until we can gather again as a church.

So how do you treat benedictions? Do you zone out and start thinking about what’s for lunch? Or do you soak in every word and think about it so you can bring it to memory again later in the week when you are exhausted and need a spiritual “pick me up”?

If you want to listen to and watch Ligon Duncan's complete message from the conference, you can do so here.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Weekend Review #10 - April 19, 2009

Powerful services at ACC this past weekend. So as not to overuse and generalize phrases like those, let me explain... :)

One of our elders lost his job this past week. Dave was preaching on the first line of the Apostle's Creed - "I believe in God the Father, Almighty maker of heaven and earth." When Dave talked about God as Almighty, Sovereign, and as our loving Father, he had this elder come forward and share about how God was working in his life and how He is still sovereign even in the midst of layoffs and a huge economic downturn. I believe this was a huge encouragement to many in our church who have lost jobs or are at risk. And the songs really connected with the theme and resonated with people's hearts - I love when that happens!

Here's what we did:

Prelude: Blessed Be Your Name (A)
-All Because of Jesus (A)
-Everlasting God (A)
-Special: Creed (G) - Third Day version
Message Part 1 - Dave
-God of Wonders (A)
Message Part 2 - Dave
-You Are God Alone (B)
Benediction: 1 Timothy 1:17

The Gospel Coalition Conference starts today - I can't wait! It's going to be a jam-packed week. Hoping to write a post early next week with some of the stuff I've learned...

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Here's some shots that Brion Kendzora took at our church on Easter Sunday:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Revelation Song

I've been studying and meditating on Revelation 4 and 5 as part of an assignment for one of my classes. It is amazing to me that God has given us this picture of what throne-room worship looks like, and ultimately, what eternity will be like in heaven.

Every time I read this passage I find myself thinking about or listening to "Revelation Song" by Jennie Lee Riddle. I first heard this song at Harvest's live worship recording in Elgin last June '08. So I have listened a lot to Meredith Andrews sing it on Harvest's Lift Up the Name cd. Today I just watched the video of Kari Jobe singing it at Gateway Church in Dallas - they have the video on CCLI tv right now. It is an incredible song - the lyrics are straight out of Revelation 4:8-11.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Transposr.com - What a life saver!

I've been meaning to blog about this resource I found recently - Transposr.com.

This free online tool is every musician's best friend. You can take any chord chart or mp3 file and upload it to the site, tell it what key the original is in and what key you want to transpose it into, and it will transpose it for you. Say for example, you want to do the song "Hosanna" by Brooke Fraser, but you have a guy leading the song, so you will most likely want to change the key it is in. Well, the original key is E, and you want to change it to G. Simply upload your mp3 to the site, enter your parameters, and wa - la!

Our team has found this resource particularly helpful when we are doing a song in a different key than the original, and we need to listen to the mp3 in rehearsal for each band member to learn their part. It's a lot easier to listen to the song and learn it in the key we are actually doing it in!

The one downside I've found with transposing an mp3 this way is that it screws with the vocals quite a bit. Like in Hosanna, when I transposed it from E to G, it made Brooke sounds like Minnie Mouse! So it's probably not a recording you would want to use for anything except rehearsing purposes. Still, I think this is a resource that will save me time in the long run when I need to transpose a chord sheet or mp3.

Has anyone else come across any good tools like this? If so, please leave a comment and let me know.

Weekend Review #9 - April 12, 2009 - He is Risen!

What an amazing time of worship to our risen King Jesus we had this morning in both our services at ACC! It's such a blessing to serve with gifted, humble, servants who love Jesus and want to see His fame made known. I genuinely looked forward to and enjoyed today - I feel like the things I have been learning in my Christian Worship class about church history and the church calendar have made me appreciate Easter Sunday even more, as I have been made aware of what a monumental and crucial day it is for the church.

Here's how our services shaped up:

(Click on any of the song titles to be taken to them in iTunes)

Instrumental Prelude: Everlasting God (A)
Welcome / Announcements / Passing of the Peace - Dave
-Happy Day (B) - w/ horns
-Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (C) - w/ horns
Message - Luke 24:13-35 - Dave
-Nothing But the Blood (B)
Comment and reading from 1 Corinthians 15:55-57
-The Power of the Cross (C)
Video Testimonies
Apostle's Creed series promo - Dave
-Stronger (C) - w/ horns

I was so excited to have a horn section with us today on three of the songs. We had trombone, trumpet, and french horn, and they sounded awesome. Really helped to raise the energy level and proclaim Christ's resurrection in an "anthemic" way!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weekend Review #8 - April 5, 2009 - Palm Sunday!

OK, I know I haven't posted anything in awhile - things have been pretty crazy around here getting ready for our Passover Seder we had this past Sunday - as well as looking ahead to Easter Sunday (4 days from now!) I had the opportunity to attend the Dare2Share Conference with our church's youth group, and it was a blast. Fee and Leeland led the worship, and pretty much blew up the place - some incredible times of worship!

It made for a ridiculously busy weekend though... anyways, on to the review from this past Sunday. Here's what we did:

Instrumental Prelude: Here I Am To Worship (E)
Unchanging (G)
Responsive Reading from Psalm 24:7-10
Hosanna (G) - by Brooke Fraser
Welcome & announcements - Chris
Glory to God Forever (A)
Beautiful Jesus (A)
You Are My King (D)
Palm Sunday Message - "Not the King You Think" - from Matthew 21:1-11
How Great Is Our God (C)
Benediction - Congregational Prayer (taken from The Book of Common Prayer)

Now back to planning for Easter Sunday...
