Yesterday we had a guest speaker at our church, Justin Laib, who is a friend of Dave's. Justin spoke on learning to rest in God from Matthew 11:28-30, both in the sense of observing a weekly Sabbath, and also in the sense of laying our burdens down and trusting God to carry them. It's always a mixed bag when planning a service with a guest speaker, because every speaker has their own style. But Justin did a great job in our context.
While planning the songs, I was looking through our repertoire and couldn't find a single song that touched on the theme of rest. That's when I remembered a song I heard about a year ago called "My Soul Finds Rest (Psalm 62)" written by Aaron Keyes and Stuart Townend. The song fit the theme well, and is also one I would like to sing again in the future at our church because of its deep theological content and singable melody. The only slightly funky aspect of the song is that the verses are in 5/4 and the chorus is in 3/4 - but that just makes it all the more fun to play!
Here's how the service shaped up:
Instrumental Prelude: Unchanging (G)
Welcome & Announcements - Elissa
Call to Worship-Responsive Reading: Psalm 100
-How Great Thou Art (B)
Time of silence for confession of sin / prayer
-Jesus Messiah (A)
-Glory To God Forever (A)
-We Fall Down (D->E) - We also had Isaiah 6:1-3 read in the middle of this song just before we hit the key change
Message: "I Can't Breathe" - Justin
-My Soul Finds Rest-Psalm 62 (C)
Benediction: Ephesians 3:20-21