Monday, January 25, 2010


Yesterday we celebrated communion together as a church. We typically do this once a month, and our "normal" way of doing it is to have one of our pastors or elders transition into and explain the significance of communion, tie it into that day's message, give thanks for the bread, have the ushers distribute the bread, and each person holds onto it until everyone is served, and then we take it together. Then we do the same with the juice. This is how we did it yesterday, and it is always a significant part of our services when we spend time confessing our sins to the Lord and giving thanks for Christ's death on the cross. We also vary up the way we serve communion from time to time, because we believe each method can be instructive in different ways, and it also keeps communion from becoming too routine. The other ways we have celebrated it include: having everyone come forward and serve each other, having all of our pastors and elders at the front serving the congregation, or giving an extended period of time for confession of sin and where people can come up when they are ready and receive the elements. I would be interested to hear how communion is administered at your church, and if you have tried anything different from the "norm" that has worked well. Feel free to leave a comment.

Anyway, here's what the services looked like:

Instrumental Prelude: Here I Am To Worship (E)
-Jesus Saves (B)
-Revelation Song (F)
Message: "Preparing For the Inevitable" - Pastor Dave
-Soon (D) - great song from Brooke Fraser and Hillsong that tied in with our series on end times
Transition to communion - Dave
Instrumental: Give Us Clean Hands (G) - during passing of bread
Beautiful Jesus (A) - during passing of juice
Closing Prayer & Dismissal

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