Our church just kicked off a series in the book of Acts, and I couldn't be more excited about it. To study the life of the early church, and read about amazing miracles that took place and the growth and spread of the gospel. I was reading in Acts 3 this morning, and was struck by the number of times people were in awe of all that God was doing, even just three chapters in to the book:
- Acts 2:7 - When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, the Jews were amazed and astonished that each of them could hear men speaking in their native language.
- Acts 2:12 - All present were amazed and perplexed.
- Acts 2:43 - Awe came upon every soul, because of the wonders and signs that were being done by the apostles.
- Acts 3:10 - Peter healed a beggar who had been lame from birth at the temple gate. The people's response? They were filled with wonder and amazement at the miracle that happened.
I believe God is still doing amazing miracles today, and if we would open our eyes and look around, we will see and be filled with wonder and awe. This is the essence of worship.
Heavenly Father, open our eyes to how Your Spirit is working and moving in our lives today. Fill us with wonder and awe, as we see You change lives, set captives free, and prune each of us to make us more like Jesus.
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