Thursday, November 19, 2009
Make Me A Servant
"No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” -Luke 16:13
“Will any one of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and recline at table’? Will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink’? Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’” -Luke 17:7-10
I shared these verses with our worship team last night at rehearsal, and used the study notes in my ESV Bible to explain the point Jesus was making in this parable: that we are unworthy servants. That God owes us nothing, and we owe Him everything, even our very lives. And that in order to ensure we are serving God first and foremost before money or anything else, we are called to use our God-given gifts, abilities, time, energy, services, and resources to serve others and to further the work of the kingdom.
And that is exactly what we are doing by serving on the worship team. We have the privilege of leading our church body in corporate worship, and we are leveraging the musical gifts God has given us to bring Him glory. These verses are a great reminder that as worship leaders, we are first and foremost servants of God. Let's ask God today to give us an attitude of servanthood in all that we do, especially as we stand before our church Sunday after Sunday and lead people in praise to our Savior.
Remember the song "Make Me a Servant"? Let's make this our prayer today:
"Make me a servant humble and meek
Lord let me lift up those who are weak
And may the prayer of my heart always be
Make me a servant make me a servant
Make me a servant today"
-Kelly Willard, 1982
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Faith in Action Sunday, pt. 2
This past Sunday our church had a great time getting out into the community and serving those in need. We collected 2,840 food items and canned goods for the Wheeling Township Food Pantry, and all came back at 5:00 pm for a powerful service of worship and celebration in our church gym. Here's what the service looked like:
Instrumental Prelude: Blessed Be Your Name (A)
Welcome - Dave
-Happy Day (B)
-How Great Thou Art (B) - Baloche version
[Prayer] - Scott
-Jesus Messiah (A)
Reading: Ephesians 2:4-9
-Amazing Grace / My Chains Are Gone (F)
Testimonies / Stories from the day
Kentucky Mission Team Dedication
Highlight Slideshow
-Stronger (C)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Faith in Action Sunday
This weekend is our church's 2nd annual Faith in Action Sunday - where we cancel our morning services and instead go out into the community and do service projects - and then return at 5:00 pm for a church service and dinner in the gym. I am so excited about this weekend, because of the potential it holds for our church to love and serve our surrounding community, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need help and who often cannot help themselves.
I'll try to post some highlights, along with an outline of our Sunday evening service, sometime next week.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Passion 2010
Guess where I'll be January 2-5, 2010? Yep, you guessed it ... Atlanta, GA. Kristen and I are going to be volunteers at Passion 2010. I'm so excited for what God is going to do in these days. Check out the promo video!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Psalm 42
Over the past year or so I have been studying the Psalms, using the NIV Application Commentary Volume 1 by Gerald Wilson. The Psalms have proven to be a place of refuge, where I am constantly encouraged in life and ministry, and where my understanding of worship has been shaped and challenged. Today I read Psalm 42 - one of the lament Psalms - and was struck by how the Psalmist dealt with his sorrow. Verse 6 says, "My soul is cast down within me; therefore I remember You ..."
Wilson points out in his commentary the value of memory, and of remembering who God is and what He has done when we go through times of deep despair and sadness. He then connects it with corporate worship, and says,
"Worship together is a place of memory. Together we call to mind what it is so easy to forget alone - that God is good and that his steadfast love endures forever for those who trust in Him. Corporate worship counters our society's message of forgetfulness and sends a message both outwardly and inwardly that we are not alone. Worship is a place for testimony and celebration. It is a time for confession and forgiveness. It is a place where we remember the past, receive power to face the present, and conceive hope for tomorrow."
I really resonated with this idea - that coming together for corporate worship is about reminding each other of God's faithfulness and grace in each of our lives. Are we doing our part as worship leaders to remind ourselves and those we lead of God's continued faithfulness to His people, through the songs we sing and the prayers we pray and the Scripture passages we read? It may be exactly what many hurting people need to hear when they gather for corporate worship.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
God is GREAT
The quote is a bit lengthy, so we decided to have it on the screen so people could actually see it and let it sink in a little better.
Here's what it said:
“Today, vast stress is laid on the thought that God is personal, but this truth is so stated as to leave the impression that God is a person of the same sort as we are – weak, inadequate, ineffective, a little pathetic. But this is not the God of the Bible! Our personal life is a finite thing: it is limited in every direction, in space, in time, in knowledge, in power. But God is not so limited. He is eternal, infinite, and almighty. He has us in his hands; we never have him in ours. Like us he is personal; but unlike us, he is great.” -Knowing God
After reading the quote, I followed up by explaining how and why it grabbed my attention: because magnifying God's greatness and recognizing that he is greater than we are is at the core of what worship is about.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Instrumental Prelude: He Is Exalted (G) -an oldie but a goodie!
Welcome | Announcements - Allison
Recite Apostle's Creed
-Blessed Be Your Name (B)
-It Is Well (B)
Message: "Loose Lips" - Dave
-Psalm 19 - May the Words of My Mouth (D)
Communion - Allan
-Jesus, Thank You (A) - great song From Pat Sczebel and the folks at Sovereign Grace. Check out the lyrics below.
-Mighty To Save (A)
Benediction: Psalm 19:14
We're also in the process of adding some musicians to our worship team. Pray for God's leading on this in the coming weeks! I'm excited!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Today I found this video of the song, but it also includes an extended intro. to the song that explains the meaning of the name "Yahweh" and brings greater clarity to the lyrics and the theme of the song. I think this is a great example of using verbal transitions well between songs, and of explaining the point behind a song or helping the congregation understand how the song connects to their lives. Worship leaders, are you using your transitions well, with an aim to serve your congregation and ensure they understand what they are singing about?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Just over a year ago I gave in and converted to being a Mac user, and ever since I have been incredibly happy with that decision. I use my MacBook Pro for just about everything now, and have been very satisfied with all of the software that comes standard on a Mac.
Monday, July 27, 2009
WEEKEND REVIEW #13 - July 26, 2009
Anyways, Part 2 of the Gear Post is coming soon.
Now to review this past Sunday ... anyone involved in worship planning on a regular basis knows that summer is CRAZY in terms of scheduling and service layouts being different. Pastors take extended vacation or Sabbaticals, so there is often a great deal of flexibility required in working with guest speakers, associate pastors, etc. who may have a different teaching style, or who may preach a much shorter or WAY longer sermon than you're used to. Another factor in summer is often band members being on vacation, and having to either strip down to an acoustic set or bring in some guest musicians. So the challenge becomes keeping consistency with the normal "feel" of your service when you have different or less people involved. Well, this past Sunday we had an altogether different kind of service than normal, but it seemed that people really appreciated the change of pace. Here are some factors that were different:
1) We gave the band a week off and I led solo from my acoustic.
2) In place of a sermon, we gave the time to our youth mission team who had just returned from South Dakota. Chris shared about seeing God's faithfulness through his own life and throughout the week, we watched a slideshow from the trip, and four students were interviewed about what they learned on the trip.
3) We celebrated communion together, but instead of having the ushers serve it via passing down each row, we instructed people to come forward and serve each other. (So Dave would serve the first person, then that person would step up and serve the next person, and so on, and so on)
We're still thinking through whether it was wise to alter so many factors on one Sunday, but I think one benefit is that it was a break from routine and a great opportunity for our congregation to see how God is working in the lives of our students!
The service order shaped up like this:
Welcome | Announcements - Michelle
-One Way (B)
Congregational Reading: Psalm 100:1-5
-Blessed Be Your Name (A)
Lessons Learned: God's Faithfulness - Chris
-You Never Let Go (B)
-Jesus Paid It All (B) - 1st service only
Offering | Mission Trip Slideshow
Student Interviews
Communion - Dave
Monday, June 22, 2009
So for all you gearheads out there ... enjoy.
I play a Taylor acoustic / electric grand auditorium - model 314CE. I bought it new in 2003, and it has the Venetian cutaway and Fishman prefix plus pickup system. (I bought this right before Taylor switched over to the expression system on all their acoustic / electrics.)
I run my guitar through a Boss TU-2 chromatic tuner pedal, and out through a Pro Co DB-1 direct box into the church's house system.
I have two Kyser capos, and recently was given a G7th Nashville capo that I now use. I have found that the G7th capo tends to put my guitar out of tune less than others because it has a softer spring.
Picks: I use medium-gauge picks, and like Fender and Taylor's.
Part 2 to come ...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Weekend Review #12 - June 14, 2009
Call to Worship: Psalm 34: 1-10 (the three of us vocalists split up the passage and we each read a few verses)
-All Because of Jesus (A)
-Jesus Saves (B) by Tim Hughes (teach)
Announcements (Jamie)
-A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (C)
Part 1 Message: Dave
-You Are My King (D)
-Lord, Be Glorified (D)
Part 2 Message: Dave
-From the Inside Out (C)
Closing prayer
Overall, I feel like we had a good balance of old and new songs this morning. It was also great to play with a full band again this weekend!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Weekend Review #11 - June 7, 2009
-You Never Let Go (B) - instrumental prelude
Announcements - Chris
Moment of silence
-Here I Am To Worship (E)
-Hosanna / Praise Is Rising (G)
Comment as a bridge between songs (Referenced the line "You are the God who saves us", and explained how we are saved through Christ's sacrifice, specifically his blood. Ephesians 2:13)
-Nothing But the Blood (B) - Matt Redman
Video: "Spirit"
-Consuming Fire (G)
Message: "The Holy Spirit" - Dave
-I Need Thee Every Hour (G) - Jars of Clay arrangement
Benediction: 2 Corinthians 13:14
Here's the video we used:
Sermon Jams
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Vacation + New Music
You may have heard the rumors and thought they were just rumors ... but it's true. I actually met Louie Giglio and Chris Tomlin while my wife and I were on vacation last week in Panama City Beach, FL. If you know anything about me at all, you know that Louie and Chris are two men whom I deeply respect and admire for not only their passionate love for God, but also for the way God has used them to shape much of what is the modern worship movement today. I was very much encouraged and humbled to have the opportunity to meet them while on vacation. And the funny thing is after meeting them last week I kept asking myself, "What are the chances?" But I know better. In retrospect I know that God had a plan and purpose in me meeting both of them, and I believe He has used it in my life to encourage me in my role as a songwriter and worship leader. He also used it to call attention to the fact that I was idolizing these men and putting them on pedestals I shouldn't have. Nevertheless, I am still blown away by the fact that I got to meet Louie and Chris while on vacation, and that they were vacationing at the same beach club we had been staying at the entire week.
Anyways, vacation truly was a blessing, and now I am back and ready to face this summer head-on. I feel rested, rejuvenated, and refreshed, and for that I am grateful.
I am also grateful for ... new music! Check out these two new releases out in the past week that I have been loving and listening to ... a lot:
1) Hillsong United - A_CROSS // The_EARTH: Tear Down the Walls
2) Christy Nockels - Life Light Up
(her sixstepsrecords debut!)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Passion Conferences
For the past few weeks I've been engrossed in my final project / paper for Cultural Engagement class. My topic is "The Influence of Passion Conferences On the Modern Worship Movement." I already knew a good deal about Passion before I started researching for my project, but just about everything I have learned has impressed me and has been positive. I love what Passion has done with preserving old hymns, and adding a new chorus or bridge to many of them has breathed a freshness on it.
Here is the video I showed in my class presentation of "Jesus Paid It All", with the bridge written by Alex Nifong and led by Kristian Stanfill at Passion '06.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Something that Ligon Duncan said in his message on 2 Timothy 4:6-22 really made me think. He said, “People often treat benedictions like the emergency instructions you hear on an airplane. They zone out and think they don’t need to listen because they’ve heard them a million times. But I guarantee you, those passengers on Flight 1549 that landed in the Hudson River were wishing they would’ve listened a little better to those instructions!”
The word benediction comes from the Latin word meaning “to bless.” Benedictions in scripture, such as the one in 2 Timothy 4:22, “The Lord be with your spirit - grace be with you” are not just a formal part of the letter that the author was required to throw in. It’s the same with our benedictions at the close of our services at ACC. They are not just a nice way to end the service. They are meant to send people out with hope by speaking about the truth of who God is. They are designed to equip us for the battles we will face in the week ahead, until we can gather again as a church.
So how do you treat benedictions? Do you zone out and start thinking about what’s for lunch? Or do you soak in every word and think about it so you can bring it to memory again later in the week when you are exhausted and need a spiritual “pick me up”?If you want to listen to and watch Ligon Duncan's complete message from the conference, you can do so here.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Weekend Review #10 - April 19, 2009
One of our elders lost his job this past week. Dave was preaching on the first line of the Apostle's Creed - "I believe in God the Father, Almighty maker of heaven and earth." When Dave talked about God as Almighty, Sovereign, and as our loving Father, he had this elder come forward and share about how God was working in his life and how He is still sovereign even in the midst of layoffs and a huge economic downturn. I believe this was a huge encouragement to many in our church who have lost jobs or are at risk. And the songs really connected with the theme and resonated with people's hearts - I love when that happens!
Here's what we did:
Prelude: Blessed Be Your Name (A)
-All Because of Jesus (A)
-Everlasting God (A)
-Special: Creed (G) - Third Day version
Message Part 1 - Dave
-God of Wonders (A)
Message Part 2 - Dave
-You Are God Alone (B)
Benediction: 1 Timothy 1:17
The Gospel Coalition Conference starts today - I can't wait! It's going to be a jam-packed week. Hoping to write a post early next week with some of the stuff I've learned...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Revelation Song
Every time I read this passage I find myself thinking about or listening to "Revelation Song" by Jennie Lee Riddle. I first heard this song at Harvest's live worship recording in Elgin last June '08. So I have listened a lot to Meredith Andrews sing it on Harvest's Lift Up the Name cd. Today I just watched the video of Kari Jobe singing it at Gateway Church in Dallas - they have the video on CCLI tv right now. It is an incredible song - the lyrics are straight out of Revelation 4:8-11.
Sunday, April 12, 2009 - What a life saver!
I've been meaning to blog about this resource I found recently -
This free online tool is every musician's best friend. You can take any chord chart or mp3 file and upload it to the site, tell it what key the original is in and what key you want to transpose it into, and it will transpose it for you. Say for example, you want to do the song "Hosanna" by Brooke Fraser, but you have a guy leading the song, so you will most likely want to change the key it is in. Well, the original key is E, and you want to change it to G. Simply upload your mp3 to the site, enter your parameters, and wa - la!
Our team has found this resource particularly helpful when we are doing a song in a different key than the original, and we need to listen to the mp3 in rehearsal for each band member to learn their part. It's a lot easier to listen to the song and learn it in the key we are actually doing it in!
The one downside I've found with transposing an mp3 this way is that it screws with the vocals quite a bit. Like in Hosanna, when I transposed it from E to G, it made Brooke sounds like Minnie Mouse! So it's probably not a recording you would want to use for anything except rehearsing purposes. Still, I think this is a resource that will save me time in the long run when I need to transpose a chord sheet or mp3.
Has anyone else come across any good tools like this? If so, please leave a comment and let me know.
Weekend Review #9 - April 12, 2009 - He is Risen!
What an amazing time of worship to our risen King Jesus we had this morning in both our services at ACC! It's such a blessing to serve with gifted, humble, servants who love Jesus and want to see His fame made known. I genuinely looked forward to and enjoyed today - I feel like the things I have been learning in my Christian Worship class about church history and the church calendar have made me appreciate Easter Sunday even more, as I have been made aware of what a monumental and crucial day it is for the church.
Here's how our services shaped up:
(Click on any of the song titles to be taken to them in iTunes)
Instrumental Prelude: Everlasting God (A)
Welcome / Announcements / Passing of the Peace - Dave
-Happy Day (B) - w/ horns
-Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (C) - w/ horns
Message - Luke 24:13-35 - Dave
-Nothing But the Blood (B)
Comment and reading from 1 Corinthians 15:55-57
-The Power of the Cross (C)
Video Testimonies
Apostle's Creed series promo - Dave
-Stronger (C) - w/ horns
I was so excited to have a horn section with us today on three of the songs. We had trombone, trumpet, and french horn, and they sounded awesome. Really helped to raise the energy level and proclaim Christ's resurrection in an "anthemic" way!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Weekend Review #8 - April 5, 2009 - Palm Sunday!
It made for a ridiculously busy weekend though... anyways, on to the review from this past Sunday. Here's what we did:
Instrumental Prelude: Here I Am To Worship (E)
Unchanging (G)
Responsive Reading from Psalm 24:7-10
Hosanna (G) - by Brooke Fraser
Welcome & announcements - Chris
Glory to God Forever (A)
Beautiful Jesus (A)
You Are My King (D)
Palm Sunday Message - "Not the King You Think" - from Matthew 21:1-11
How Great Is Our God (C)
Benediction - Congregational Prayer (taken from The Book of Common Prayer)
Now back to planning for Easter Sunday...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Weekend Service Review #7 - March 22, 2009
As my wife and I were looking over Dave's sermon notes on Saturday, we realized that he quoted all three verses of the hymn "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" to emphasize a point he was making about prayer. So our thought was "Helloooooo ... why aren't we doing this song tomorrow?!?!"
We ended up swapping out another song to do What A Friend, and I couldn't have been happier about the switch. So here's what we did:
-Prelude: Your Grace Is Enough (G) by Chris Tomlin
-Welcome / call to worship (Philippians 4:4)
-Hosanna / Praise Is Rising (G) by Brenton Brown & Paul Baloche
Transition to new song - comment about glory
-Glory To God Forever (A) by Steve Fee & Vicky Beeching
Message Part 1 - Dave
-What A Friend We Have In Jesus (E) hymn by Joseph Scriven
-Adoration (G) by Brenton Brown
-Jesus Messiah (A) by Chris Tomlin
Message Part 2 - Dave
Offering & announcements - Chris
Benediction - Romans 15:13 - Chris
(Upward highlight video as people dismissed)
You'll notice that we also tried something new this week at the end. Instead of a closing song during the offering, we had Chris give announcements and share a recap of the Upward season, and then dismiss people while the Upward video played. This worked out particularly well this weekend because all of the announcements had an immediate action step associated with them right after the service (ie. buy your Seder tickets in the lobby, attend the Welcome Lunch starting in 10 minutes, etc.)
By the way, I am loving the new Steve Fee song we did this weekend. Thanks, Steve, for posting the how-to video and chord charts on your web site!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Meet Jenn Weber
I always get excited when I hear or find out about fresh new artists in the modern worship (or sometimes CCM) genres. At some point this past November, I heard about Jenn Weber, found her Myspace Page, listened to several songs, and I was hooked instantly. I received Jenn's CD "World of Wonder" for Christmas, and have been listening to it frequently ever since.
In my opinion, the lyrics are creative and worshipful, and I would classify the style as acoustic pop / folk, comparable to Christy Nockels, Sarah McLaughlin, or Brooke Fraser. The one song I can't stop listening to is "Your Love Is Changing Me". Here's a sampling of the lyrics:
"Don't know who I was
Don't know what I'll be
All I know is that You found me
From a far off land
Cross a lonely sea
You pursued and You've captured me
Oh, how You make me sing
Yeah Your love is changing me
You're awakening a marvelous dream
Yeah, Your love is changing me"
It is true that God has pursued and captured us, and His love is powerful enough to change us. I have seen God graciously bring about incredible change in my life recently - from the way I work to the way I love my wife to the way I worship.
How has God's love been changing you recently?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Weekend Service Review #6 - March 15, 2009
So that is a bit of the reasoning why we moved "Jesus Paid It All" up to the opening package this past Sunday. Here's what the service looked like after the change:
Instrumental Prelude: Sing to the King (E) by Billy Foote
Welcome & announcements
-Happy Day (B) by Tim Hughes
-Jesus Paid It All (B) - hymn w/ chorus by Alex Nifong
Holy Week Preview - Dave
Part 1 Message - Dave
-From the Inside Out (C) by Joel Houston
(Comment about giving God control of our lives - transition into Center)
-Center (E) by Charlie Hall
Part 2 Message - Dave
-In Christ Alone (E) by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Benediction - Philippians 4:1
Oh ... and in case you were wondering, here's what our service order looks like on paper (click on the image to blow it up):
Monday, March 16, 2009
A Good Reminder
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Lectures on Worship
Justin Taylor recently posted a compilation of lectures on worship over on his blog.
There is a bunch of good stuff there that I want to listen to - now I just need to find (I mean make) the time for it. I already downloaded and listened to one lecture from John Frame titled "Christian Worship Music: Is It Postmodern?" and learned a lot from it. I think this will prove to be an invaluable resource not only for the project I am doing for Cultural Engagement class, but also for my role as a worship leader.
By the way, I also just added Justin's blog "Between Two Worlds" to my blogroll and will be checking it regularly from now on. I don't know how the guy writes so much - sometimes a many as 10 posts a day! But it's all good stuff.
Weekend Service Review #5 - March 8, 2009
Instrumental Prelude: Famous One (E) by Chris Tomlin
Welcome & announcements
-Come, Christians, Join To Sing (G) by Christian Bateman -updated arrangement in 6/8
-Adoration (G) by Brenton Brown
Congregational Reading: 1 Peter 2:9-10
-Marvelous Light (A) by Charlie Hall
Video: "Spiritual Influencers"
-Glory In the Highest (C) by Chris Tomlin
Message - Philippians 3:1-11 - Dave
Knowing You (C) by Graham Kendrick
Benediction - Hebrews 13:20-21
We don't regularly do songs as "old" as Knowing You (written in 1993), but the lyrics fit in perfectly as a follow-up and response to the message, since they come right out of the Philippians passage we were in. I should clarify that I have nothing against old songs - in fact, I love many of the hymns that the church has been singing for centuries. Generally, when we do older songs we stick with the classic hymns that have been around for 50+ years (usually in a modern arrangement, of course). Most of the modern worship songs we sing are those written this side of 2000. I've found that many (not all!) of the songs written in the 80s and 90s are a bit outdated and overdone. And as in any generation of the church, there will probably only be a handful of songs from our generation that survive in the church for years to come anyway! I do think, though, that each new generation is called to "sing a new song to the Lord" (Psalm 96:1), and it is important that we be singing songs that bring fresh expressions to our faith and our worship.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Weekend Service Review #4 - March 1, 2009
I've had a request from a few people to include the name of the artist or songwriter of each song listed on these reviews, so here it is:
-Happy Day (B) by Tim Hughes - instrumental prelude
Welcome - Chris
-All Because of Jesus (A) by Steve Fee
-One Way (B) by Joel Houston / Hillsong
(Message intro with skit by Mike Malek)
Message Part 1 - Dave
-Jesus Messiah (A) by Chris Tomlin
Scripture Reading: Psalm 148:1-13
-All Creatures of Our God and King (D) - David Crowder arrangement
Message Part 2 - Dave
-Special: Shine (G) by Matt Redman
Benediction - Ephesians 3:20-21
I was happy with how the special reaffirmed the main points of the passage and really hit home for a lot of people. Below is a video of Matt Redman singing the song at the close of Passion '07 in Atlanta, with lyrics included. Those of you that were there will remember how they raised up those huge banners with the names of cities around the world, along with the names of hundreds of colleges and universities, to symbolize sending out and setting our hearts toward the Passion World Tour that was to follow.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I did it. I gave in and bought a Klean Kanteen bottle today. I was introduced to these by my good friend Chris, our youth and children's pastor at ACC. What's so great about a Klean Kanteen, you ask?
-Made from high-quality stainless steel
-Dishwasher friendly
-BPA-free ("Recent studies have shown that many plastic water bottles, including Lexan bottles, leach toxins such as BPA. These studies have linked BPA to breast cancer & reproductive mutations.")
-It's reusable and therefore good for the environment!
This last one was what did it for me. As a musician and a vocalist, I drink a lot of water. For the past several years I have been buying bottled water to drink, and I always bring a bottle to Wednesday evening rehearsal and Sunday morning services. I always have one in the car with me as well. So it's safe to say that in any given week I burn through at least 3-4 plastic bottles that get thrown into landfills and pollute the environment. In general, I'm not an outspoken environmentalist or passionate about being "green", but I do think that we as human beings have a responsibility to be good stewards of this planet that God has entrusted to us and commanded us to cultivate and keep (Genesis 2:15). As I have been thinking a lot about this issue, I guess I started to feel convicted about all the water bottles I've gone through over the course of my lifetime. So that's what did it for me.
Goodbye plastic disposable water bottles, and hello Klean Kanteen!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Weekend Service Review #3 - February 22, 2009
-Forever (G) - instrumental prelude
-Everlasting God (A)
Dramatic Reading - Philippians 2:1-11
Message intro - video clip from Hitch
Message Part 1 - Dave
-Mighty Is the Power of the Cross (E) - communion special
Message Part 2 - Dave
-May the Mind of Christ My Savior (D) w/ new chorus
-Adoration (G)
Benediction - Jude 24-25
I really liked the dramatic reading of this morning's Scripture passage - it set up the message nicely and definitely brought out the text in a fresh way. Hopefully we will be able to do more dramatic readings like this in future weeks - maybe at least 1 per series?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
![Passion Twenty Ten](
Registration for Passion 2010 is now open! It sounds far away, but January 2, 2010 will be here before you know it. Last night they opened registration with a live worship and prayer video broadcast from the Passion house in Alpharetta, GA. They had a promotion that the first 1,000 people that registered would get in for $99 bucks - and that filled up after the first three minutes of registration being open. Crazy...
Even though I am no longer in college, I still qualify for the 18-26 age range to attend the conference, so I am hoping to attend.
You can register here for $129 until April 1.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Weekend Service Review #2 - February 8, 2009
Yesterday was a bit of a crazy day at ACC and a first for our current staff. Dave, our senior pastor, was scheduled to preach, but he caught a nasty case of the flu on Friday night, so he called Chris (our youth pastor) and myself around noon on Saturday saying he didn't think he would be able to make it on Sunday morning. So Chris had about 18 hours to put together a 30-minute sermon. (Doesn't sound hard to you? Well, then, you try it some time. :)
In my opinion, Chris did a great job filling in for Dave. He talked about loving God and loving others, the two greatest commandments according to Jesus in Mark 12:28-31. This is what Scot McKnight labels the "Jesus Creed", and it is the subject of his book by the same title.
Chris asked if the worship team would plan a few extra songs just in case he went short. We ended up just adding one song at the end of the service - "Lord Reign In Me" - which worked out great because it encapsulates our desire as a congregation to let God have His way in our lives as we seek to love Him and others - AND it was also in the same key as our originally-planned last song (added bonus!)
So here's what we did:
-Let the Praises Ring (E) - live prelude w/ vocals
Welcome & announcements - Chris
-O Come Let Us Adore Him (G)
-Adoration (G)
Message Part 1 - Chris
-It Is Well With My Soul (B)
Time of directed prayer where I shared a bit of background to Horatio Spafford and how he came to write It Is Well, and then instructed everyone to pray for someone they knew going through a trial or hard time.
-You Never Let Go (B)
Message Part 2 - Chris
-From the Inside Out (C)
-Lord Reign In Me (C)
Benediction - Ephesians 3:20-21
Overall, I think the morning turned out well, considering the circumstances. "Adoration" sounded awesome with a full band this week - Jim nailed all the drum parts, and Karen programmed the string parts into the synth - the end result was powerful, and people really responded to it - even with it being the second week we've sang it - ever!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Weekend Service Review #1 - February 1, 2009
So ... here's what yesterday's services looked like:
-Short Welcome & announcements
-Holy Is the Lord (G)
(Exhortation to worship God with not only our lips, but also our lives, based on Matthew 15:8-9)
-Beautiful Jesus (A)
Message Part 1 - Dave
-Consuming Fire (G)
(Introduce new song which I explained will be a theme song for our Philippians series, based on Philippians 3:13-14)
-Adoration (G)
Message Part 2 - Dave
-The Solid Rock (D)
Benediction - Revelation 1:5-6
We did an acoustic set with guitar, bass, keys and djembe, and overall I feel like it sat well. There's always the challenge of keeping the energy level up on acoustic weekends, but one benefit is that the congregation can hear themselves better, which I know many people appreciate.
Dave preached a great message from Philippians 1:1-11 on how we are all a "piece of work" - what a great reminder that our sanctification is a lifelong process of becoming more like Christ. You can listen to it here.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Kristian Stanfill's new EP Attention releases on iTunes today. All I have to say is ... wow. It is everything I was hoping for and more. This guy knows how to write songs that will turn your heart and mind toward God AND make you want to sing at the top of your lungs. It's good stuff. I am hoping to use some more of his songs in our church services over the next few months.
Here's a snapshot of some lyrics from the song "Kingdom":
Stand up and heed heaven's call
Coming to us one and all
To live love and give love
To those who don't know of
The lavish and true love of God
We are the kingdom of God
We are an army of love
We carry truth to the world
We are the kingdom of God
Be watching for the full album coming 4.21.09!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
-Phil Wickham is going to be leading at 631 Ministries on Monday, February 9th in Berwyn, IL. 631 is a gathering of 18-20 somethings that meets monthly on Monday nights at 7 PM.
If you know of any other worship gatherings or concerts coming up in Chicagoland this spring, leave a comment and spread the word!
Friday, January 16, 2009
8 Below
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm really excited for this conference for a number of reasons, one of which is that I have a chance to attend the conference and soak everything in with some of my good friends and partners in ministry.
The conference is only $100 for students if you register before Jan. 31 ... AND they're giving away an ESV Study Bible to everyone who attends! Find out more here.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
First Blog Post
OK, so one of my New Year's resolutions for '09 was to start my own blog. It is something I've been thinking about doing for awhile now, but never pulled the trigger on. So here we go!
Some of the things you can expect to find on here:
-Reviews of our Sunday services at Arlington Countryside Church, where I am the Worship Arts Pastor
-Current happenings in the realm of worship music and ministry
-Good books I've read or am currently reading
-Things I've been learning from God's Word
And a whole smattering of other things.
Check back regularly for new posts ...